All DLYBA players are encouraged to provide their own batting helmet. Teams typically have extras available. Players are not expected to share their helmets with other players.
Batting helmets can be purchased at local sporting goods stores and range from $15 to $80. The DLYBA standard is a scarlet helmet.
Visit How to Buy a Batting Helmet for information on proper helmet size and fit.
DLYBA players are required to provide their own glove. RH catcher's mitts are available at each level. Please connect with your coach if you need a LH catcher's mitt.
Visit How to Choose a Baseball Glove for glove size, fit and care guidance.
Each DLYBA team will have at least one team bat that complies with league rules. Players are encouraged but not required to purchase their own bat.
Visit How to Buy the Right Baseball Bat for information on proper bat size for your player.
Batting gloves are encouraged based on player preference but never required.
Visit How to Choose a Pair of Batting Gloves for information on proper batting glove size.
Jerseys are provided as part of the registration fee. Personalized jerseys are kept by the players. Program distributed jerseys are to be returned at the end of the season.
Players will provide their own white pants for games. Pants are required for practice and we suggest buying a separate pair of any color for practice. Socks are knee high and red in color. Belts should be adjustable and red in color. All can be purchased at local sporting goods stores.